Systems Administrator and IAM Software Developer
San Diego, California
Software Developement and Engineering
Systems Administration
Technical Support
Automation and Streamlining
Hacking / Reverse Engineering / Buffer overflows and Fuzzing
Jira ticket administration and Documentation
Rest API and SOAP
C / C++ - Both MSVC++ and Xtensa's ESP8266
I am an inspired security software seveloper. I have a large amount of interest in optimization, security administration, automation and Development. I strive to expand my knowledge in all areas and will never stop learning.
I am a moderator for the California Desert Trial Academy School of Law discord channel and the California Traffic Ticket reddit forum. I actively play classical Piano on breaks between work and personal research projects. I activly studied Microcontrollers such as the Atmel ATTiny84 (C++) and built my own software UART library before subseqently moving to the Xtensa Expressif ESP8266 NONOS baremetal SDK (Written in C) for a few years before heading to law school, now that school is over I've picked this subject back up and have dove deeper into creating my own debugger for the chipset. This has been an ongoing research project for me over the last 8 years.
Fulfilling a duel role as both a Systems Administrator and .NET Provisioning Programmer, I currently maintain a live Datacenter and am the lead on streamlining and automating system access for the organization, using multiple development platforms including .NET, PowerShell, JAVA and MASM Assembly. Accomplishments: Successfully able to maintain a 24/7 Datacenter, occupied with over 750 servers, including VM and Physical along with SANS (750TB+). Streamline all access from the local HRIS (Empath and Workday) system. Developed a custom Epic and exchange bridge that manages over 6000 user accounts in the organization. I work to Automate all known processes to accelerate production and improve consistency.
Juris Doctorates in Law
Transfered to Coast Line Community College
COMPTIA A+, Network+, Security+(Expired), CEH